FAQ (1)

Got Questions? We've Got Answers!

Hey there, Babe! We know you've got questions, and we’re all about it! Whether you're curious, cautious, or just can't wait to know more, we're here to spill the tea—no question is too big, too small, or too sparkly! So go ahead, ask away. We've got you covered with all the tips, tricks, and tanning secrets you need to glow! Here's a few of our client's frequently asked questions:

No! Unless you leave the spray tan on longer than advised. This could cause you to overprocess. We customize your tan to match your skin tone, ensuring a natural tan look. But! Make sure to prep properly, as this is very important in the color development process. Trust us, we know what we are doing. Rinse it off when we tell ya to. We got you, Babe!

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401 North Main Street
Broken Arrow, Ok 74012

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